Timeline for Bear ButteFebruary 2003 - The Northern Cheyenne, Rosebud Sioux, Crow Creek Sioux and Yankton Sioux tribes and Defenders of the Black Hills file lawsuit to stop shooting range four miles north of Bear Butte.
During his time in office, Governor Janklow provided faulty information in order to obtain money from the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program. The program also received an illegal grant of $825,000.00 from Housing Urban Development (HUD) program.
January 2004 – Sturgis Industrial Expansion Corp. (SIEC) and the City of Sturgis announce they are abandoning plans to develop shooting range near Bear Butte.
Governor Rounds, now in office and returns the funds to HUD.
August 2005 – Jay Allen announces developing the world’s largest biker bar, calling it “On Sacred Ground” just north of Bear Butte. Also, erecting a 80 foot Indian statue pointing towards the mountain and tipi’s. The property will include a bar, concert venue, restaurant and RV park.
October 2005 – After objections from local tribes and Native people, Jay Allen changes the name of bar from “On Sacred Ground” to “Sturgis County Line”
January 2006 - Paul Valandra, a member of the Rosebud Sioux Tribe, and Jim Bradford, a member of the Oglala Sioux Tribe, sponsor HB1233. The bill would create a four-mile buffer zone around Bear Butte, the bill would prohibit liquor licenses from being issued for establishments around Bear Butte.
February 2006 – House Local Government Committee voted 9-3 to reject HB1233
March 2006 – Jay Allen breaks ground with the new development of Sturgis County Line.
April 4, 2006 – Over 1,000 supporters, both Native and non showed support to protect Bear Butte for the protest gathering held at Meade County Commissioners courthouse.
The Meade County Commissioner’s unanimously voted 5-0 to approve Jay Allen’s liquor license.
May 2006 – Meade County denies submitted petition requesting a county vote on approval of Jay Allen’s liquor license. The Commissioners determined the approval of the license was an "administrative action" therefore, the issue cannot be referred to a vote. More than 750 signatures were collected within Meade County, which was more than enough votes to overturn the Commissioners decision.
July 4, 2006 – Gathering of Nations to Defend Bear Butte encampment begins, running through August 7th.
August 2006 – Sturgis Bike Rally Week. Jay Allen’s Sturgis County Line opens its doors.
Protest walk from Bear Butte encampment to Sturgis is held during the rally. Approximately 500 people are in attendance.
December 2006 – on sale license renewed
June 2007 – Jay Allen’s, Sturgis County Line, off sale license revoked due to poor character, based upon unpaid bills to local contractors. Meade County Commissioner’s warn Allen if bills are not paid, his on sale license in December will be in jeopardy.
August 2007 – 2nd year open for Sturgis County Line.
Two organizations, Protect Sacred Sites, Indigenous People One Nation, BBIA, a few private citizens and Northern Cheyenne’s hosted a prayer camp at the base of Bear Butte on the Northern Cheyenne property off hwy 79. A smaller presence than 2006, is held from August 1st – 15th, during bike week.
December 2007 – Meade County Commissioners revoke Jay Allen’s Sturgis County Line on sale liquor license due to poor character, based upon the continued unpaid bills to local contractors.
Governor Rounds proposes House Bill 1275 to the 2008 state Legislature. This bill would enact a conservation easement for the area around Bear Butte. A request for the state of South Dakota to purchase 743 acres of land that adjoined Bear Butte State Park.
There is hereby appropriated from the general fund the sum of two hundred fifty thousand dollars ($ 250,000 ), or so much thereof as may be necessary, and five hundred ninety- three thousand seven hundred seventy-seven dollars ($593,777), or so much thereof as may be necessary, of federal fund expenditure authority, and three hundred forty-three thousand seven hundred seventy-seven dollars ($343,777), or so much thereof as may be necessary, of other fund expenditure to the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks for a portion of the costs related to the acquisition of easements adjacent to Bear Butte State Park located in Meade County, South Dakota.
January 2008 –Jay Allen appeals revocation of liquor license due the character issues.
February 2008 – Governor Rounds, House Bill 1275 An act to make an appropriation for a portion of the costs related to the acquisition of easements adjacent to Bear Butte State Park and to declare an emergency. FAILS YEAS 24, NAYS 44
April 2008 – Jay Allen’s appeal was held before Judge Bastian, at the Meade County Courthouse. Allen testified he had signed a Memorandum of Understanding, purchase agreement on February 26, 2008 with Target Companies, a travel corporation from Boston, MA. The agreement terms were to be finalized on May 3, 2008. Allen stated upon completion of the agreement, his only role in the Sturgis County Line would be as a promoter, and because he was no longer the owner, his character could not be basis for license revocation. Judge Bastian remanded the decision back to Meade County Commissioners. His instructions asked the Commissioners to reconsider their decision to revoke, based upon the new information that Allen would no longer be the “owner” of Sturgis County Line.
The Meade County Commissioner’s held an Executive Session Meeting on April 24, 2008. They unanimously voted to appeal Judge Bastian’s decision. It has been directed to South Dakota Supreme Court for further clarification, to determine if Judge Bastian had the legal authority to make such a decision. A court date will be scheduled in the upcoming months.
May 2008 – Supreme Court denies appeal, sending it back again to Meade County Commissioners to make final determination.
Target Logistics states they have made a legal decision to “lease” the Broken Spoke Campground property from Jay Allen, until the pending litigation is completed.
June 2008 – Meade County Commissioners defer the Broken Spoke Campground liquor license issue to the July meeting.
Broken Spoke Campground announces they will be hosting concerts every night during the rally and are now offering helicopter rides over Bear Butte during the rally.
Complaints are filed regarding helicopter issue and violation of Native American Freedom of Religion Act, to the FAA by Protect Sacred Sites Organization and South Dakota State Parks. Protect Sacred Sites, submitted a request for legal action and assistance to the Native American Rights Fund.
Request for resolution from NCAI regarding opposition to liquor license issue is requested by Protect Sacred Sites and approved from NCAI. Resolution is submitted to Meade County Commissioners.
July 2008 – Meade County Commissioners approve 3-2, Jay Allen’s previously revoked on sale liquor license. New investors Target Logistics have paid all the previous debts off in full, with the exception of one currently in litigation.
Protect Sacred Sites organization, submits a draft resolution to Greater Plains Tribal Chairs Association, for protection of Bear Butte. Approved by Tribal Chairs on July 10, 2008.